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Our Menu

We change our menu every quarter and we keep it seasonal. We also cook delicious daily lunch menus. On occassions we have special themed nights and we publish the menus here. 

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Крем супа от тиква

Pumpkin cream soup

7,80 лв.

Салата от черна леща и киноа със зеленчуци

Black lentil & quinoa salad with veggies

10,90 лв.


Аранчини с гъби и доматен сос

Arancini with mushrooms and tomato sauce

11,90 лв.

Пържена риба с картофи

Fish & chips

14,90 лв.


Кейк с кафе и ванилов мус

Coffee cake with vanilla mousse

7,80 лв.

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Got munchies?

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